Leadership & People



What does it mean to truly lead? How can we make leadership meaningful, impactful and even life changing? The best leaders have the highest viewpoint and the purest hearts. They know who they are from the inside out. They are strong but also compassionate and caring. They can't be tainted by fame or money. They refuse to be compromised and corrupted by the allures of the corrupt, controlling and abusive. The world needs people in leadership positions who emanate these qualities. The rest can all be learned pretty easily, but it's these crucial traits that are necessary to bring forth and facilitate the new world being birthed as we speak.


The last few years have shown us just how bad it can get when egos run amok and greed and the need to control ramp up to insane levels. We have seen some of the lowest aspects of the collective psyche brought into view, front and center. Abuse, manipulation, gas-lighting, betrayal. Just some of the words to describe what we've witnessed. But it has all been necessary - in life we often here the line 'you have to go through hell to get to heaven', and collectively and individually, that's what we're doing. Now comes the time to create that better world. We've already begun and the movement will only gain in pace and strength. It's time to stand and to lead, with the demand for a better world and a roadmap for how to get there very much front and center.


If you want the best from people, you have to show them how to lead in their own lives, to know who they are from the inside out and to have the confidence and belief that they matter and have something important to contribute. This is empowerment and it's necessary if the people we're leading are going to give us there best. Controlling and mistreating the people in our charge never gets us anywhere and usually ends up causing a massive implosion. The current global situation when viewed across nations, government, corporations and workers says it all.


The cornerstones of good leaders and leadership practices. If we don't have these in the locker, we're just bullshitting people to serve our own ends. This is why the world is the mess it currently is.  How many CEOs genuinely live by these virtues? - Not many. Those who want to make a meaningful difference in this world have to live by these pillars and defend them to the hilt. Are you on-board?


CxO - are you top of your tree when it comes to executing the will of the organisation? Are you the master of information, of strategy, of finance? etc. A powerful position to be sure. So what do you stand for? Do you tow the line and maintain the status quo? Or are you looking at the world and taking a stand for what is best for us all, rather than for the few? This is the clarion call for CxO's everywhere. For those who know we collectively have to take a different path and are in a position to influence, you've found your starting block.


No longer a fad and a niche area to apply some lip service, this is a growth area that leaders cannot ignore. After a harrowing few years of restriction and harsh limits, people are demanding more from organisations, whether they work for them or buy from them. Those businesses that genuinely play their part in making our lives easier, healthier and happier both on an individual and collective level, will thrive. It's time to decide which way you're going.