Identity, Vision & Mission



Even in good times, business leaders and senior teams can struggle to balance competing demands, from keeping the lights on and making payroll to serving customers and pursuing new opportunities. The challenges that come with a global pandemic only magnify the stress, loss, and loneliness that many are feeling. What if this moment led us to reimagine what a business could be and what leadership could look like? What if we looked beyond the balance sheet to rethink from the ground-up how we’re behaving and interacting customers, suppliers, employees, and further beyond to the farthest reaches nationally and globally?


The world is going through a period of intense change and pretty much everyone is affected. So what kind of responsibility can we take? What kind of changes are possible? Do we choose to stay a part of existing problems and failings, or do we take a stand to look for real solutions and find ways to be a part of them?


Some will embrace change, while some will fight it to the death. Of course, there are many influencing factors that dictate how willing or resistant an organisation is to real, powerful, lasting and positive change. Lightpath is here for those who are unafraid to look at all aspects of their identity, image, operations, behaviour and culture. To see, acknowledge and own the good, the bad and the ugly, means that you are prepared to take the time and responsibility necessary for meaningful change to happen.


This is exciting, because you get to reshape and reframe the fundamentals of your vision, identity, strategy and mission. What if your business was leading the curve in the way it thinks, feels and behaves? Taking steps towards an M.O. that is focused on serving the needs of us all, rather than the few. Where ethics, values and morals are central to the thinking and culture. Where responsibility, accountability and transparency are really important. Imagine how people everywhere would view this kind of organisation.


Lightpath wants this for as many organisations as possible. For those that truly want to be a part of the solution, this is your portal to living, working and operating in a new world and way of being that serves the common good and won't be bought or sold out to those who are stuck in the old ways and are too far gone. If you're reading this, there's a good chance you want to be a part of the solution and want this kind of deep-dive and realignment. If this lights you up and it's what you've been looking for, then indeed, welcome to a bright new beginning!


Your mission statement and strategic goals, lip service free, with genuine feeling and meaning, that make people glad they buy from you, work for you or with you, now that's what we're talking about. Make contact above and let's start that journey.